Red Nexus Games

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The developers at Red Nexus Games (Steam Page), all of which are in the game's official Discord server.

Adam "Crashtroid" Caflisch

Adam is the games' composer, and his work can be found on his Newgrounds page, and often posts updates on his Twitter page. He does not work for Red Nexus Games, instead being contracted to do the music.

He currently lives in Victoria, Canada, and hosts his own website which links to his other online accounts.

Dylan Gedig

Dylan is the main developer (as well as being the de-facto community manager), and is the most active on the discord.

He currently lives in British Columbia, Canada, and will occasionally post peglin-related content on his Twitter page.

Cassie Makrides

Cassie is the Community Manager, and was hired some time around May 23, 2022.

Lucas Cardoso

Lucas is one of the programmers[1], and occasionally chimes into conversations on the discord.

Sienna Blumstengel

Sienna makes the game's artwork[Discord 1]


  1. [confirmation needed]