Seraphic Shield

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Seraphic Shield is a relic which grants immunity to any and all damage.[1] It is a secret relic, meaning that it can only be obtained by playing a run on Custom Mode. It is available from the start.[2]


  • Because it negates all forms of self-damage, it makes it so Bullyball doesn't increase.
  • Seraphic Shield acts before Ballwark.

Known sources of damage reduction

  • Melee and Ranged damage from Enemies.
  • Damage during Events.
  • Self-damage from orbs and rigged bombs, even self-damage labeled as "Unblockable".
  • Damage from misnavigation.


  • Its name is likely a reference to Seraphim, a class of angels in abrahamic religions.
  1. [confirmation needed]
  2. [confirmation needed]