Projectile Attack

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A Projectile Attack is an attack type characterized by the orb being thrown from Peglin towards the . This is the default attack type applying to most orbs, and is the attack type used unless specifically stated otherwise.

Projectile attacks will cause the thrown orb to appear from the Peglin character and travel in a straight line towards the Targeted enemy, dealing damage to the first enemy along this path. One exception to this is when the orb deals 0 damage, in which case it will spawn from Peglin's character and immediatly drop down to the floor. Another exception is when the player has the Grabby Hand relic and targets a flying enemy, in which case the orb will spawn above Peglin on the same height as the flying enemy.

A projectile attack will stop at the first enemy to deal damage, and will stop flying unless the orb has Pierce or Overflow, and the conditions for these effects are met, even if there are no more enemies to hit, in which case it will fly of the screen. An orb that does this cannot damage any enemies that have not yet spawned.