Mysterious Altar

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The Mysterious Altar is an event that will choose two random orbs and ask the player to sacrifice one to the altar.

The selected orb will then be removed from the player's inventory, and the other orb will be upgraded.



You stumble upon a mysterious altar. You feel yourself pulled towards it, and as you near it you realize you are holding out potential offerings - one orb in each hand

dialogue optionOffer the Orb 1

dialogue optionOffer the Orb 2

You go to place the [selected orb] on the altar, but it sinks right into the solid slab of stone. As your offering disappears, you feel your other hand grow warm and realized your [other orb] is now level [upgraded level].

dialogue optionContinue


  • If a level 2 or 3 gets sacrificed and the other orb is level 1, the upgraded orb will only advance by 1 level.