Retired Brick Slime

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The Retired Brick Slime can be encountered in this event, and will allow the player to remove 2 stones.

The player must be carrying at least 2 stones for this event to appear.



You're walking down a quite hall when one of the bricks under your feet groans at you! You move your foot as an extremely weathered Brick Slime flips to reveal its face.
Gahh, I'm retired, leave me alone already. Wait... are those delicious stones I smell? Tell ya what, let me eat 'em and we'll pretend this never happened.

dialogue optionOffer the stone and stone

The brick slime crunches the stone to dust, lets out a satisfied grunt, and returns to its slumber. You continue on your way.
(Lose stone×2)

dialogue optionRun away!


  • Although his age is not specified, the Brick Slime encountered in this event is much older than the rest (being visible cracked due to wethering) and as such has hit "retirement age"
    • In addition, this event's existence implies that brick slimes have a societal structure, and aren't mindless like most other enemies
  • As said above, it is possible that Brick Slimes have a societal structure similar to ours, and that the ones the player fights are simply soldiers drafted to defend their home (most likely the Castle's walls) from invaders.
    • Dylan confirmed that the bricks are "kinda possessed and grumpy at being walked on for so long"[1]