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The Inferno event allows the player to collect two infernorbs at the expense of some health.



From seemingly nowhere, an inferno ignites in a circle around you. There are two fireballs bouncing and circling around each other in the center of the ring."

dialogue optionGrab the fireballs (+2 fireballs, -10 HP)

You grab the fireballs and they are as hot as expected for a split second - then they cool as their energy flows through you, allowing you to store them safely in your satchel. You hands are worse for wear, but the circle of fire has subsided - allowing you to leave freely.
(Obtain Infernorb×2)

dialogue optionDash through the flames (-4 HP)

You dash bravely through the flames! You're a little singed, but otherwise unscathed.


  • The event text refers to infernorbs as "fireballs", despite that not being their name