Slime Peg

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Slime Pegs are a unique type of peg that are only present during the fight with the slime boss. They cannot be hit, and when an orb touches them they activate pop and pop it, as well as slowing the orb's momentum and reducing its bounciness.

Slime Pegs cannot become Critical or Refresh Pegs.


  • Some Orbs that haven't been changed to use the logic of Activate and Hit do not act consistently with the Slime Peg.
    • An example of this is Swoltorb and Omegorb, these Orbs will upgrade/downgrade Slime Pegs despite using the word 'hit' in their descriptions, and their effects not applying with relics that cause them to activate but not hit pegs (eg. Refreshing Punch. (This is prone to change with future patches. Last tested on v0.5.20)
      • Glorious SuffeRing has a similar effect, yet it does not upgrade Slime Pegs, since its effect does use the Hit mechanic.