Critical Peg

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The Critical Peg is a special type of peg that makes fired deal their critical damage value when it is activated. Critical Pegs do not contribute to orb damage unless the player has the Strange Brew.

The effect applies retroactively, meaning that a Critical Peg can be hit anywhere in a chain and have its effect apply to all pegs hit, past or present.

When activated, standard pegs will become red (as seen below), and orbs will use their critical damage value. The effect wears off after the orb leaves the board.

By default, there are two Critical Pegs in random locations on the pegboard, overriding a random normal Peg (or one of a few other peg types) on the board. They cannot override refresh pegs or other Critical Pegs. They change location every time an is fired.

Several orbs and relics will interact with Criticals, and as such are categorized as Critical Orbs and Critical Relics.


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