Demon Wall

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The Demon Wall is a boss found in the Castle that has the third highest health out of everything in the game (behind Thesaurosus and the Qaballistic Ruins). Two tall knights will always spawn in front of it, which will be eaten by the boss after the first and/or second turn if not killed. The board also has a unique peg positioned at equal intervals across the top row.


The boss will move one space every turn, and will deal 2000 unblockable damage when attacking.

Unlike other enemies, it will take 2 or 3 extra turns to cross the enemy arena.





All In All.jpg {S} All In All
Defeat the Demon Wall


  • According to Dylan, the boss's health is based on dates important to the Berlin Wall
  • You can briefly see the top of the wall if you have screen shake enabled and detonate a sufficient number of bombs
  • You can technically survive being swallowed by the demon wall if you have more then 2000 health, as that seems to be the limit of how much damage it can deal. However surviving the attack will result in a softlock

Version History

  • Unknown Update: Health reduced to 7,000 and 8,750
  • Beta: Introduced