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v0.7.17 was an update released on May 2, 2022 that added several new encounters, a new relic, and tweaked some other content.


Content & tweaks:


  • Firing too many bombs at once could cause a softlock
  • Brick (rectangular) pegs that were converted to bombs at the beginning of the battle (with Bomb Baton or Bombulet) no longer have invisible collision during navigation
  • Mirror Corridor scenario navigation should no longer spawn the navigation orb inside pegs
  • Fixed exception when applying status effects to invisible enemies
  • Opening inventory with "I" no longer auto-selects the first orb
  • Upcoming enemies UI no longer blocks firing
  • Mirrorb copies of Nosforbatu no longer increase the self-damage of the copied Nosforbatu
  • Stuck orb timer was not resetting when orb started moving again, which was problematic in moving stages