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v0.8.28 expanded upon events and fixed multiple issues.

Content Changes

  • Three new events have been added! An advanced Orbelisk scenario, more orb removal through a Mysterious Atlas, and a portable forge should help (or hinder?) you on your journey(s).
  • Dungeon Die (New Rare Relic): When your deck is shuffled, each of your Damage and Crit stats are given a randomly rolled modifier between -3 and 3.
  • Basalt Toadem (New Common Relic): If you have full health at the end of battle, your heal option is replaced with the ability to increase your Max HP.
  • Perfect Forger (New Scenario Relic): ?????
  • Sash of Focus has been changed to trigger every battle to make it a little more useful.
  • The Slime Boss has had its eating damage reduced slightly (but the attack is now unaffected by Blind) and Avogadro's (the mole's) plants have had their health increased slightly on C10+ to slightly rebalance the difficulty between the 2 bosses.
  • New "any bomb" icon

any bomb to help make some orb and relic clearer.


  • Gardener's Gloves should now correctly protect you from the Strange Tree again.
  • Fix for incorrect "Left Bumper" icon appearing on the custom game orb select screen when playing with controller.
  • Prime Rod of Frost should now correctly stack with overflow, applying pierce effects before any potential overflow.
  • Poltorbgeist should now be able to correctly hit the Super Sapper again when fired with low damage.
  • When playing with custom relics added, the events that exist solely to grant those relics should no longer appear.
  • Display fixes which should help with legibility, especially at smaller resolutions and should also help our pixels look a little nicer.
  • Worbhammer should now work better with Grabby Hand, and should no longer miss its targets
  • Menus behind the map should no longer accept input, which should help prevent things like camera issues when accepting relics.
  • It should now be easier to aim in the Treasure scenario, as you no longer have to click inside the pegboard to fire
  • Dying in a text event no longer allows you to continue from the same save (which was causing other issues with save data).
  • Pegs that are shielded at the start of battle should now display correctly if they have coins (no more z-fighting!)
  • Font fixes to add missing/broken Ukrainian characters
  • Fix for some pegs being hidden in one of the plant battles when some of the bombs were destroyed.
  • Fix for some bombs appearing reversed in the sapper battle (you know the one)
  • Slight tweak to the Slime Miniboss Pegboard to make it symmetrical


Release Date: February 23, 2023
Patch Notes

  • Aimer behaviour should no longer be wonky (and should work well on Mac touchpads unlike pre v0.8.28 builds)
  • Dungeon Die can now properly buff up to +3 (instead of just +2)
  • Perfect Forger displays the proper damage amount in its description
  • Forge event should no longer occur if you've taken the forge in your custom loadout


Release Date: February 25, 2023
Patch Notes

  • Fixed a bug that would seemingly cause a crash or a stuck client sometimes when unlocking achievements