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v0.9.44 was a major update released on January 12, 2024 that added several new relics for the Roundrel in addition to some re-balancing and a bugfix pass.

Content Changes

New Content

  • New Boss Relic - Endless DevouRing: All attacks get 2x damage but every peg activated gets downgraded -4.
  • New Roundrel Relic - Is Dis Your Card (I'm sorry): When discarding an orb, gain Ballusion equal to the orb's crit damage stat.
  • New Roundrel Relic - Steady Scope: Every shot fired has a chance to trigger a crit equal to 2x your Ballusion.
  • New Roundrel Relic - Distraction Reaction: After taking X damage, gain X ballusion (this will be increased to gaining 2X ballusion in the next update).
  • New Roundrel Relic - Mauliflower: Add 1 Finesse whenever 3 Crits are Triggered.
  • New Spinventor Relic - Refresh Perspective: Whenever a peg is refreshed it gets upgraded +1
  • New Balladin Relic - Bastion Reaction - After losing HP from self-damage, gain 2x that much damage as Ballwark.
  • "New" Relic - Slimy Salve: Apply Healing Slime to every 35th peg hit.
  • New Scenario - Crystal Altar: Offered in the castle or mines when below 35% max HP to heal to full in exchange for losing some Max HP.
  • New Scenario Relic - Modest Mallet: ???
  • Refreshircle and Critsoballos now create 1/2/3 bonus special pegs of their respective types when drawn.

Balance Changes

  • More types are now levelled up when their peg gets buffed (or debuffed!).
  • upgrading has been dialed up across the board to help it scale a bit further into a run and to help it upgrade slime more effectively - we're still working on end-game scaling for this synergy but it's improved a bit for now.
  • When slime is applied to a durable peg it resets the peg's hit count, allowing more hits on the new slime before the peg pops.
  • Positive slime from Prime Slime will no longer clobber other slime, allowing it to coat more pegs more effectively.
  • Mines Ghost Miniboss damage increased by 1.
  • Many non-synergistic removed from possible character relic pools.
  • Nimball stats have been increased.
  • Mirrors no longer reflect damage when hit from behind with a Round a Bout crit attack.


  • Having a navigation orb get stuck and despawn during scenario navigation no longer softlocks the game.
  • Mines Ghost Miniboss should now always start with the correct number of refresh pegs instead of sometimes starting with non-refresh.
  • Pegs can now only splash nearby pegs once per shot, which should help reduce infinite loops when using Refreshing Punch with many refresh pegs on the board.
  • Branch of Ember now interacts properly with Exacorbate.
  • Prediction fixed for Summoning Circle + Constricting Chains.
  • On the character select screen, the selected character now no longer blocks clicking to select characters behind it.
  • Small visual improvements to mines tiles.
  • Map title no longer draws in front of the pause screen when pausing with the map open.
  • Scrolling the credits with the mouse wheel will no longer get taken over by the autoscroll