Consolation Prize

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The Consolation Prize is a relic given to the player when there are no more available relics to give. The player can have more than one Consolation Prize.


Starting the game with all relics equipped
  • The only time, unless some error occurs, that a player will see this in-game, is when they already have all possible relics that can drop equipped.
  • If the game is started with all relics (that can be offered) equipped, then the player will be offered the consolation prize, as well as two other options which they cannot select and show nothing when highlighted, which have the icon of Enhanced Gunpowder.
    • If the game is started with all relics it can offer equipped except one or two, the game will crash before offering relics to the player.


  • A consolation prize is awarded in lieu of a "real" prize to those that do not win an award, but are deemed worthy of recognition.
  • This is the only relic that, without game modifications, the player can have multiple of.

Version History

ru:Утешительный приз