Gift That Keeps Giving

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The Gift That Keeps Giving is a relic that makes all pegs durable.


  • Refresh, critical, and bomb pegs will only trigger their ability once due to balancing. However, some relics (such as Critsomallos Fleece), allow critical and refresh pegs to trigger their ability multiple times.


  • Despite the internal name being UNPOPPABLE_PEGS, pegs can still be popped.
  • The name is most likely a reference to Kodak's iconic tag line "a gift that keeps on giving".

Version History

  • v0.7.16, v0.7.36, and v0.8.22: Bugfixes.
  • Unknown update: Sprite changed. The sprite now features a white-and-orange present instead of a green-and-red one, and the sprite now has an isometric perspective.
  • v0.6.18: Added to the demo, 4-hit bug fixed.
  • Beta: Re-worded, 4-hit bug arises.
  • Demo Release: Introduced.
