Critsomallos Fleece

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The Critsomallos Fleece is a rare offensive relic that increases the damage done by the fired orb per peg by the difference between the Critical and Regular damage of the orb, for every subsequent critical peg hit after the first, stacking infinitely.


  • This relic's positive effect is lowered, or often completely nullified by Betsy's Hedge, since it increases the non-crit damage of pegs and increases it more if there is more Critical Pegs on the board, therefore decreasing the multiple crit damage of the Fleece, and decreases it more for putting oneself in a favourable situation to use it. Due to this, it is incredibly inadvisable to take Betsy's Hedge if you already have Critsomallos Fleece, it is preferrable to skip the relic in many situations.
    • There is however not any disadvantage to taking Critsomallos Fleece if one already has Betsy's Hedge, the Fleece does not impact the effect of the Hedge at all, but if there is other options it may be advisable to take those, as the Fleece will have a smaller or no effect.
  • As of v0.7.52, Critiball no longer can activate critical pegs, and cannot itself benefit from Critsomallos Fleece. However, it can benefit the orbs fired after it, since the created Critical Pegs remain until popped. This is particularly effective if the relic Short Stack is also taken.
  • Au Auger scales great alongside it, allowing the fired projectile orb to potentially wipe out all ground units in a single shot (or air units with a Grabby Hand)


  • Its name is a reference to the Golden Fleece from Greek Mythology, which comes from the winged ram chrysomallos (hence the name being Crit + Chrysomallos).

Version History

  • v0.7.34: Now stacks critical damage using the difference between critical and regular damage, instead of multiplying critical damage.
  • Early Access Release: Added to main game
  • Beta: Introduced