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The IOU is an event relic gained from the "Invest" option in the Gambler event.

When gained, it will show the amount of Gold the player invested. When the player finds Gamblin again, they will exchange the IOU for a multiple of the amount shown.


  • If the Gambler event appears in either the Forest or Castle, it may be worth considering investment for a large payout at a later time especially if you are already chasing event encounters as he can appear again at any point after the initial encounter to return the investment.
    • If the event appears in the Mines or near the end of the Castle, it is recommended that you do not invest as odds are you will not see Gamblin again at this stage.
  • The player can either invest all or half their current Gold value for the IOU. If the player invests in all, they get back 3 times what they gave; if they invest only half, they get back 5 times what they gave. How much the player chooses to invest is dependent on what is in their best interest monetary-wise at the time. It all depends on how well your run is going up until that point and how much of a risk you are willing to take.
    • For instance, if the player does not have enough money for an upgrade/does not have a reason to upgrade and/or are not approaching a shop, investing in full is better than investing half

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