Hero's Backpack

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The Hero's Backpack is a relic that increases the base and crit damage of all orbs the player has, based on how many consecutive orbs of the same type (level is irrelevant) there are upcoming after it, before the next reload.


Demonstration of Hero's Backpack's functionality
  • The effect of this relic will apply to all upcoming orbs, each being buffed according to how many consecutive identical orbs there are after them.


  • This Relic benefits having many orbs of the same type, and less of different types, and this means a few things:
    • Events that duplicate orbs or remove unwanted ones can be beneficial for getting the most out of this relic,
      • With the Strange Mirror (Remove) event, the player will almost always benefit more from removing only one orb as the other option leaves them with only one orb,
      • With the Strange Mirror (Duplicate) event, the optimal option can vary depending on what the player currently has equipped, but the Duplicate all orbs option will generally allow for a higher probability of there being a higher number of consecutive orbs of the same type, though may also add more different orbs that have a chance to interrupt the effect.
    • Strategies that involve making the most out of orbelisk (and stones alongside it) can benefit greatly from this relic, whether it's through having many stones, or through having many Level 3 orbelisks, which is considerably harder. Having many stones also means that the damage dealt when using orbelisk and many stones isn't only from the orbelisk, instead having the stones also do large amounts of damage.
      • This is also somewhat possible with Level 2 orbelisk and bouldorb, which has its benefits such as hitting many enemies, however stones are much easier to obtain, and can hit flying enemies.


Version History