Refillosopher's Stone

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Refillosopher's Stone is a rare relic that creates 2 coin pegs when the board is refreshed.


This section is a Strategy Guide and is written from the subjective view of the playerbase. If you think this section is inaccurate, feel free to update it.

Refillosopher's Stone synergises very well with refresh effects to create tons of new coin pegs. Some notable ones include:

  • Refreshircle and Replenishorb add much more opportunities to refresh in a turn and gain lots of gold.
  • While any additional refresh pegs are useful, Leaf The Rest For Later adds 10 refresh pegs so you are very likely to hit several of them in one turn.
  • Refreshing Punch can help collect the gold from Refillosopher's Stone as well as trigger several close by refresh pegs in a row.

Refillosopher's Stone also can benefit coin synergies by allowing them more uses in a fight.

Although the spending power from Refillosopher's Stone is halved from Wand of Skulltimate Greed, they can still both be used together due to both contributing to gold synergies.


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