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The Orbelisk is an orb that does damage based on the amount of Peballs, Bouldorbs, and other Orbelisks in the player's inventory. It can be obtained from the obelisk event, or can appear when choosing to gain an orb at the end of a fight.

Similar to Ball Lightning, the projectile will ignore the shield that shield knights wield.


  • With just the starting 3 Pebballs, the base damage/crit becomes 3/6, making this a mid-tier orb in terms of raw damage
    • If Cruciball 1 is active, then the damage becomes 4/8, making this a high-tier orb in terms of damage
  • As with Ball Lightning, the orbelisk can attack all enemies in a column. However, it doesn't require a crit to do so.
  • If the player encounters the crow event, they can boost the orbelisk's damage by quite a bit by accepting the 3 Pebballs
  • At level 3, the orbelisk will boost damage based on the number of orbelisks in the player's inventory, meaning that the player can accept any additional orbelisk offered in post-battle rewards to boost the damage of any level 3 orbelisks they have


  • The fired projectile is the obelisk from the event this orb is gained from
  • Despite being found from event, the orbelisk can rarely appear as an option in the post-battle reward.

Version History