Slime Hive

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Slime Hives are a unique type of miniboss that spawns Green, Blue, Red, and Rainbow Slimedrops.


Slime Hives do not attack. Instead, they spawn a single Slime on their turn, dealing a fixed amount of damage to themselves when doing so. In order, they will spawn three Green Slimedrops at the cost of 30 health, two Blue Slimedrops while consuming 40HP, a Red Slimedrop at the cost of 50 HP, and then a Rainbow Slimedrop for 60HP. After spawning a Rainbow Slimedrop, it will gain one Muscircle before repeating the cycle.

Slimes will spawn with all Status Effects applied to the Slime Hive at the time, both positive and negative. This trait allows the Slime Hive's allies to inherit its slowly increasing Muscircle, but can be exploited by the player to spread debuffs to the entire group.

The Slime Hive is effectively airborne, forcing the player to choose between thinning out the hoard of advancing Slimedrop spawns or directly targeting the Elite.


Spinfection is a powerful tool to exploit the Slime Hive's passive effect. With only a few Spinfection orbs, the player can put their full focus on the Hive itself while the poison kills its spawns before they can get in range to attack.

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