Betsy the Leshy

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Betsy the Leshy is a boss found in the Forest.

Similar to the Thesaurosus, she has a unique Bramble Peg. In additon, she spawns Bushies (akin to the Ballista Militia spawning Castle Janitors) throughout the fight.


First, Betsy start the battle with a regular Plant that's in the distance of 4 spaces from you.

Then, Betsy will apply Bramble to player on odd turn, which works different than for enemy as mentioned below.
and on even turn, Betsy will ranged attack to player, it deals 5 damage.

On 4th turn, a hound will be summoned with 20 health (45 on C10+). They serve as meat shields to block damage that would be delt to the Betsy itself. they have 3 damage melee attack.
This summoning will happen every 2 turns, it mean it happen turn 4, 6, 8, 10... They will give a invisible buff to Betsy when killed, which will increase the amount of debuffs Betsy apply to the player.


When the player is Brambled, Bramble X will causes vines to grow between Peg, and grown peg becomes Brambled Peg.
Those vines will deal 1 damage to you and capture your orbs if orb is touch it. captured orbs change appearance and lose their special effects while the orb is in flight, but their size remains the same. also, an orb that has been captured once you will not be damaged if it is captured again.
Activate the Brambled Peg or pierce vine directly
(If an orb pierces through a peg, it also pierces through an vine. piercing a vine will not mean piercing a peg, this is related to Icircle etc. note, Necorbmancer can't captured by vine because it can't hit Peg, but it can't pierce peg so it can't destroy vine.) destroy connected vines, which mean deal 10 damage to Betsy, and release the captured orb with damage of current shot, like Round Squirrel.
Two vines will not grow from one peg, and a Critical/Refresh Peg will not turn into a Brambled Peg.
Also there is special interactions with Infernorb and Bramball - Infernorb pierces through vines, Bramball would captured in vines but it does not damage to you and does not change appearance.


This section is a Strategy Guide and is written from the subjective view of the playerbase. If you think this section is inaccurate, feel free to update it.

  • Intentional Oboe is particularly effective against this boss as multi-hit attacks are affected more greatly by the reduction of damage, which is based per hit.
  • Infernorb is especially useful in this fight, as it can pierce through the vines.
  • Ball Lightning can be used to indirectly activate Brambled Peg without getting close to it by Zapping, making it relatively safe to destroy vines.
  • Multiball not be a good choice always. If Matryorbshka is all captured in vines, it will 8 damage to you. if board in more orbs, will result in more damage too.
    • However, it also shows the potential to generate a lot of hits in the future when the vine is destroyed, so it could be a good choice.
  • Betsy has low damage, but vines and minions make it hard to deal damage, so it's easy to have a long battle.
    • Monster Training and Knife's Edge is very useful against Betsy, which will not be defeated immediately even when its HP is low.
    • Inflicting Blind allows you to avoid taking the 5 damage Ranged Attack. Note, however, that this does not affect the Vine Damage.
  • Inflicting Spinfection allows stable damage regardless of number of hits, it mean you can continue to deal damage even if the board is filled with vines.
  • Having Overflow, enemy targeting, or piercing orbs to help manage the Stump and hounds can help greatly, as can Bombs.
  • There are only 12 hounds, so if you can survive 12 attacks (60 damage), Betsy will run out of minions and be left vulnerable.
    • However, this may not be a good choice as Betsy will be buffed each time the Hound is defeated.
  • If the Egg touches the vine, it willn't break and returns satchel.
    • Combined with Safety Net or something, it may be possible to heal by Egg without break them.
  • The orb captured by the vine will refer to the damage of the current shot, so you will be able to use Ohmygorb!, Omegorb, etc. without any disadvantages.
    • If it's an Egg, you can aim for a big healing by hitting the Brambled Peg.


  • When applied to the player, Bramble has a unique in-game tooltip
    • The tooltips for Muscircle and Blind do not change when applied to the player, suggesting a developer oversight
  • Her name is derived from Betsy's Hedge and the mythical Leshy from Slavic mythology.
  • She was first revealed in the 1.0 roadmap



File:New Leshy on Life.jpg New Leshy on Life
Defeat Betsy the Leshy
File:In a Prickle.jpg In a Prickle
Get three Bramballs stuck in Leshy's vines at the same time

Version History