Golden Peglin Statue

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The Gold Peglin Statue event allows the player to spend all of their gold to acquire a Ballectrum (called a radiant golden orb), take damage for a large amount of gold, cheaply upgrade an orb, or continue unaffected. Not all options are always offered.

The option to take the gold in exchange for damage has a few set parameters. The amount of damage the player will take will be equal to 30% of the current total gold, in exchange for a randomized amount of gold. This option will always appear, even if the player is in a situation where it would otherwise deal enough damage to defeat them.

Upgrading from this event can be done as many times as the player sees fit to do so. The amount of gold to upgrade from this event is less than it would be at the end of a battle, making this a cheaper and more effective way to upgrade orbs quickly. However, once the player has started upgrading, they will need to pay an additional 5 gold for every upgrade performed to end the event.

The navigation board following the event features a large gold peg that can be hit 9 times.

WARNING: Attempting to take Ballectrum while you have zero gold will instantly kill the player, turning them into a second gold Peglin statue. This is likely a reference to the text you normally get when you take Ballectrum, which states that the gold in your satchel may be what protects you from the statue's fate.


You round a corner and are faced with an eerie life-sized Peglin statue made entirely out of gold. It's holding a radiant golden orb in its outstretched hand, and though you're wary of the potential risks, you can't help but be tempted by the statue's alluring gleam...

dialogue optionTake the golden orb (-gold, +Orb)

dialogue optionSmash the statue (take X damage, +gold)

dialogue optionMake an offering to the statue (-15 gold, upgrade an orb)

dialogue optionLeave

Version History