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The Bob-Orb is an orb that converts pegs to bombs. Its effect is the same as Powder Collector, but requires just under half as many pegs.

The bomb counter is not retained between reloads, meaning that every time the player shoots it, they will have to hit 8 or 6 pegs, depending on the orb's level.

In addition, the converted peg will not be detonated, meaning that an additional orb (or clever bounces) is required to utilize the bombs.


  • Due to it have 0/0 damage, it may be best to skip this orb, or ensure you have some damaging relics (such as the Mental Mantle)
  • It's certainly 0/0, but it doesn't have the "Deals no damage!" effect, so it can be strengthened with offensive relics and buffs.


  • Its name is most likely a reference to Bob-ombs from the Mario game franchise
  • The sprite bears a superficial resemblances to an eye

Version History
