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Lazorb is a rare orb that has low damage but behaves like a pin-point lazer when shot, instead of using standard bounce physics.


  • Lazorb is a very straight forward Orb to use: simply aim it into a lot of pegs and hit as many as possible. Best results often come from firing this Orb near horizontal, as it will slowly descend and hit almost every peg in its path.
  • At Level 1, Lazorb relies on Critical Pegs to deal damage. Upgrade it as soon as possible - preferable when purchased.
  • Despite the low damage numbers, Lazorb is capable of staying in considerably longer than other Orbs and can rack up its damage quickly. This is further enhanced when combined with Defresh Potion.
    • With high damage output potential, consider investing in piercing relics such as Overwhammer and Au Auger to make the most of the damage.


  • The name of this Orb is a portmanteau of the words "lazer" (a corruption of "laser") and "orb"

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