Renewed Vigorb

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The Renewed Vigorb is an orb which provides the player Muscircle after the board has been refreshed a given number of times while the orb is in flight.


  • At level 1 and 2, this orb is not as effective. Hitting the 3 (or even 2) refresh pegs in a single attack, while not impossible, can be difficult to do, especially in Cruciball. This is a highly synergistic orb that benefits the build its made for when properly lined up rather than doing the damage itself, given its low stat total
    • Recommended to upgrade this to level 3 to get the most benefit
  • This orb combos extremely well with Training Weight and Electropegnet, as the magnet will attract the orb to refresh pegs, and getting more Muscircle for your Muscircle effects is always welcome
  • Fresh Bandana, PegBag, and Training Weight - obvious, useful synergy
  • Brassicaceae Knuckles is essentially the relic version of this orb, which when combined with this and other refresh orbs allows both to really propel Muscircle Refresh into a winning strategy
  • Serves as a great "finisher" to a Duplication Potion + Tactical Treat/Reorbanizer setup given the large amount of refreshes (and crits) that are created on the board.
    • Strange Brew and Heavy Shaft Potion are also welcome additions to this setup - the former allowing Refresh and Critical Pegs to contribute towards damage and the latter allowing Critical Pegs to also trigger a Refresh. This is especially nice given the low base damage on this orb to begin with, as Muscircle scaling is the main focus.
  • Leaf The Rest For Later is also a risky but straightforward option to trigger a lot of refreshes, essentially speeding up the process at the cost of less damage potentially later in longer fights

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