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The Protectorb is an orb which grants the player Ballwark after hitting a number of pegs. The Protectorb will always deal no damage, and ignores damage buffs from Status Effects, Peg Upgrades and relics. Because of this, the Protectorb is only useful as a source of Ballwark. Protectorb is common for Balladin and uncommon for Peglin.


  • Because this orb always deals no damage, it is not possible to clear levels with this orb alone.
  • Although the orb does no damage, bombs that are activated by the Protectorb will damage enemies.
  • Gift That Keeps Giving and Matryoshka Shell are both amazing boss relics with Protectorb, as they both allow more pegs to be hit, thus gaining more Ballwark. However, activated pegs from Defresh Potion do not give Ballwark.
  • Since Training Tabard gives 1 Muscircle for every 10 Ballwark, Protectorb can be a good source of Muscircle when playing as Balladin.

Version History

  • v0.9.52: Now increases Ballwark granted by orb's current level.
  • v0.9.32: Nerfed to grant Ballwark less frequently.
  • v0.9.15: Grants more Ballwark, but is less frequent.
  • v0.9.01: Introduced.